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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Best day yet on Wylie 11/20/11

Sunday after church I went out to Lake Wylie via Copperhead Island Boat landing. (Ramps closed again due to low water). Only this time, hauling the kayak & gear the extra hundred feet was totally worth it. About the time I left the boat ramp, it started to rain. Not really hard, but a light stinging rain. I wasn't going to let that ruin my day - even though some fishermen on the bank looked at me like I had an arm growing out of my head. I started paddling Southwest toward the Buster Boyd Bridge, got to the point and turned around. I threw out baits on both rods I took and let the current take me back toward the coves. The rain let up after half an hour or so and I drifted back North and had completely stopped by the time I turned Southeast into the large cove towards Culpepper Court.
A very nice gentleman named Jerry in a kayak stopped to talk for a few minutes. He gave me his number and suggested we meet up for a fishing trip sometime, and that he hadn't had much luck - but like me, still enjoyed paddling with bait in the water. Jerry soon paddled back out and I continued to fish.
As I neared the back of the cove, one rod bent. I leaned forward, removed it from the holder, reeled the fish in, and as I got him out of the water, the other rod almost jumped out of the holder behind me. I resecured the first, and began the battle on the second line.
I went out with 10 pieces of bait (feeder fish from Petsmart) and caught 6 channel cats (smallest about 3 pounds). Lost 2, and threw the other 2 off.
By 5pm, I was headed home without bait. A great day on the water!

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