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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Don't judge me. lol

So, I went out (after the rain) this afternoon to paddle around the dam. (Lake Wylie Hydro)
The sun came out after about 15 minutes and although the water was moving, it wasn't unbearable. About an hour into the trip, I learned something about myself - and at the risk of being called names, I'll tell you anyway.
Let me start by saying there were scattered baitfish hopping on top of the water sporadically the whole time I was there. I thought this must certainly be a good sign - and planned to catch some decent bass. I casted in several directions around the rocks - to no avail. As I paddled South around the rocks in the center of the spillway, I casted - and just beyond my bait the water exploded. I felt nothing on the rod. Then, a slight tugging; which turned into a pretty good pull. I knew the hook was set - but it didn't feel like a bass.
I got the fish turned towards me and muscled him in. About 3 feet from the kayak I finally saw the fish; and just as he whipped his head I could make out the outline of his mouth. A mouth that resembled a pair of scissors Mom always had on her sewing machine. Yep - a stinkin' gar.
Once I realized what it was, I had some soul searching to do. Honestly, I wanted to land him (and likely bounce my paddle off his head) - but decided against it. So what did I learn; you ask? I learned that there are just some fish that I don't want to be close to... and a gar is one of those fish. Especially one that is well over 2 feet long!
Luckily, he threw the hook while I was getting my knife to sever the line.
So, in case this happens again, what would you do? What about snake heads? Should I carry a club? A shotgun?