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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I'm NOT liking winter!

Ok, so I'm ashamed that I haven't been able to blog in a while. Fact is, there has been nothing to report. I haven't been on the water since black friday (where I caught the nice red below) and have been working ridiculous hours - making sure my employees can spend time with their families.

There are a lot of kayak theories for winter. I've heard of the 50-50-50 (50 degree water, 50 minutes in the water, 50% chance of survival) rule, the 120 degree (water temp + air temp should equal 120 degrees) rule, and so on. In addition, it gets darker earlier, virtually no one will go out with me, and I'm limited on the amount of winter clothing for outdoors. One day (post-retirement), I'll be somewhere warm year-round... southern Florida anyone?
For now, my only problem is that I'm incredibly stubborn, sometimes overconfident, rarely give in to fear or anxiety, and really enjoy fishing from the kayak. I can't imagine letting it sit in the garage until April. The longer I wait, the worse the weather is going to be. So, here's hoping the next 4 days will bring at least some sunlight and mild temps. Hopefully, there will be some adventures to post about very soon. Stay tuned!