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Monday, July 23, 2012

The First-Timer

This past Saturday, my father-in-law and I took my 10 year old cousin (he'll be 11 next month) out on the kayak for a 1/2 day fishing trip. He'd been after us for quite some time to take him and the excitement began to really build as the trip got closer.
Friday night, he and his younger brother stayed at out house so we could reach the water shortly after daybreak. The excitement dulled a little when I told him we'd be leaving around 6:30am, but I have to admit he was a trooper about it - and tried to get to bed early enough to be coherent the next morning.
I woke him up at 6am, we loaded the truck and met up with my father-in-law.
After a brief stop at the bait/breakfast shop, we headed to the water. Upon arrival, I put him through the "sea-legs" test - rocking the dock back and forth while he stood at the end with his feet together. I'm not sure this has any bearing or affect, but my dad did it to me, and his dad to him. It's a cherished memory and badge of honor; as well as a good laugh.
Once in the water, we tied him off to another kayak until he could get used to paddling and controlling his boat. After about 20 minutes, he was skilled enough to pilot it himself, & we cut him loose.
By then, we were all fishing - um, or at least had bait in the water. The quiet across the water was peaceful and serene. Then we heard, "Um, I think I got something! Yep, theres something on here!" I turned around and saw his rod bouncing up & down. I told him to hang on & I would come help him. As I got close, the fish decided to find deeper water & took him for a ride. The look on his face was priceless!

He fought it for a while & finally landed his first fish over 6" (he told me he had caught a sunfish once) - a decent sized catfish. The rest of the day, he paddled around with his head held high.
All in all, it was a good day on the water. I hope he enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed taking him out. Now, his younger brother wants to go. I can't wait...